From The Feel Good Lab I received a sample of their Sport Recovery Lotion. Below you can see what the ingredients are but before you are going to that detail I want to tell you my first experience with the product!
Restarted Running
This week I started with running again, something I didn’t do frequently since both my hip fractures (last August 2018). The idea is to run comfortable 7-10 km again and therefore I am using a schema. The schema exist of 3 trainings per week for 12 weeks.
So like said Monday was my first training where I had to do 5 x 3 min running and between 1 min walking. While doing this it felt ok but immediately after I felt my upper legs started to hurt already. Even low intensity cycling didn’t help during the days after didn’t help at all. The muscles continued cramping and the feeling was uncomfortable. So I pushed my Wednesday training out to Thursday and now I am glad I did this because on Wednesday the sample of The Feel Good Lab arrived.
Thursday I did my training, showered afterwards and then applied the thinnest layer of the Sport Recovery Lotion possible on my upper thighs. The lotion could be easily rubbed in and immediately a tingling sensation started to happen. In the hours after the application my pain started to reduce and in the end disappeared completely!
Of course I expected the next day some increased pain, because I did run, but to my surprise there was no pain at all. All in all the encounter with The Feel Good Lab – Sport Recovery Lotion is a positive one and I am pretty sure I am going to use it in the remaining 11 weeks of run training as well probably also after.

Sport Recovery Lotion
Reduce muscle soreness and recover faster with a daily body lotion made just for athletes. Patented FDA-registered formula. No junk or toxic chemicals.

Check also other reviews I have written!