About 2 years ago I was still not convinced that the new sock trend, crazy high and colorful cycling socks, was going to last. I was raised with the idea and rules that socks had to be white and shoes had to by black, official UCI rules still stand to my knowledge.
Although from a very young rebellious age, wearing white Diadora shoes with a blue stripe and later on one fluorescent yellow and one green, the idea of me wearing socks till my calves with crazy figures, stripes or symbols on them didn’t seem to go into my head.

But as with all in life change happens and via Instagram I came across an account about #sockdoping named @llkitsandsocks. Lowlands kits and socks is a Dutch company with a nice philosophy:
Anyway, cycling is my passion, no doubt, but I’m also a sockaddict 😉 That’s why I started LowLands Kits and Socks in 2018; an online store with a large assortment cyclingsocks of very cool brands. I started this because I was always looking for the perfect kit/sock match and it looked like a great idea to sell amazing socks to others and to help other cyclist with finding their perfect combo. LowLands Kits and Socks really makes me happy. It’s so much fun, to be connected with other cyclists and cyclingteams from over the whole world in this way 😊
I think socks can make the difference, they complete your kit and definitely spice up your ride. It’s a great way to show yourself while you’re out on your bike. And nothing is too crazy; all colors and shapes can be used and all combinations and contrasts are possible. There is always a reason to buy that striped, neon-colored, amazing sock to have fun with and to give your kit an amazing look and yourself a happy feeling. So it’s really true: sockdoping works! 😉

Jorinde has an awesome collection of sock brands and is always available to help and try to match your shoes, socks and kits. Sock doping is hot and I have to admit it’s addicting, matching them with my Parentini kits as much as possible is a game. So if you want some awesome and cool socks check out: Lowlands kits and socks