Shimano Gravel Experience: A Day of Adventure, Challenges, and Friendship

It was a day to remember, my first day of the Shimano Gravel Experience, and what a day it turned out to be! Almost 100 kilometers of pure gravel adventure, filled with ups, downs, and everything in between.

The day started off great, the weather was decent, some dark clouds but overall good temperature, and the gravel roads were everything I had imagined. Smooth, flowing, with some technical bits here and there. But the views—oh, the views were something else! Rolling hills, dense forests, and open fields stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was the kind of scenery that makes you forget the effort and just enjoy the ride.

But as the kilometers added up, so did the fatigue. The longest climb of the day caught me off guard. I could feel the energy draining from my legs, the dreaded bonk setting in. No amount of energy bars or gels seemed to help. I was slowing down, every pedal stroke becoming heavier. But I pushed on, motivated by the thought of reaching the top and the epic descent that surely awaited. Lucky me we reached Monchau where a small little bakery had some nice cakes and coffee. After also have bought some fresh water I was energised to continue.

Unfortunately, the day wasn’t without its mishaps. Near the dam of Monchau, we had an unfortunate crash. Carolien, my companion, took a tumble on a tricky section. It was a heart-stopping moment. Fortunately, she wasn’t seriously injured, but it was a reminder of how unpredictable these gravel roads can be. We took a break, made sure she was okay, and continued on, albeit a bit more cautiously.

As the day turned into evening, we were still far from our destination. The climb, the crash, and the long kilometers had slowed us down, and by the time we reached the camping site, it was late—too late to find any food. The thought of a hot meal was quickly replaced with the reality of a rumbling stomach and an empty campsite.

But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. The camping site was in a beautiful spot, perfect for setting up the tent. The quiet of the surroundings, the stars beginning to appear in the sky—it was the kind of place that made you feel connected to nature. And despite the lack of food, the evening turned out to be quite enjoyable.

We found some fellow gravellers who had already setup their tents, and before long, we were sharing stories, laughs, and a bag of chips someone had stashed away. The connection between fellow gravellers was incredible. It’s amazing how quickly you bond with people when you share the same struggles and joys of a long day on the bike.

But above all, what stood out from the day was the sheer beauty of the gravel roads. They took us through landscapes that seemed almost untouched by time, with epic views that made every struggle worth it. The Shimano Gravel Experience is more than just a ride—it’s a journey through some of the most breathtaking scenery you can find, and the first day was just the beginning.

As we settled into our tent that night, tired but content, I couldn’t help but look forward to what the next day would bring. More gravel, more views, and more unforgettable moments with great company. The Shimano Gravel Experience had already lived up to its name, and I knew I was in for something special.

Day Two

After the rollercoaster of emotions and experiences on the first day of the Shimano Gravel Experience, we were looking forward to a slightly easier second day. The plan was to cover 40-50 kilometers—just enough to stretch the legs but not too much, considering the terrain was still hilly with plenty of altitude meters to conquer.

We started the day with a good breakfast, saying goodbye to the two fellow gravellers we had met the night before. It was a perfect morning for gravel riding: cool air, clear skies, and that sense of adventure that comes with heading into the unknown.

But as soon as we started pedaling, something didn’t feel right. A grating, grinding noise echoed with every climb. My disc brakes were rubbing against the rotor, making each ascent not just noisy but annoyingly difficult. The constant drag made even the gentlest inclines feel like mountains.

Despite the frustration, we kept going, hoping it would somehow resolve itself. It didn’t. So, we turned to Google, looking for the nearest bike service place that could fix the issue. After a quick lunch at a gas station—they made fresh sandwiches with cheese for us—we set out toward what we thought was the right town.

Unfortunately, our navigation led us in the wrong direction. Instead of heading directly to the bike shop, we ended up in the wrong city, which meant two extra long climbs to get back on track. The day was supposed to be a short, relaxing ride, but now it was turning into another test of endurance.

As the clock ticked down, we realized the bike shop was about to close. We pushed hard, and with just 10 minutes to spare, we finally arrived. Exhausted and on edge, we were greeted by Sasha, the shop owner. He didn’t just fix the brakes; he saved our day. After a quick tune-up, the bike was running smoothly again, and the relief was immense.

Back at the campsite, we took a much-needed shower. Just as we were starting to unwind, a few other gravellers rolled in, tired but happy after their first day on the route. We ended up sharing a dinner table with them, exchanging stories of our adventures over plates of fries and schnitzel.

Despite the hiccups, the day ended on a high note. There’s something special about the shared experience of gravel riding—the way it brings people together, whether you’re tackling climbs, navigating through wrong turns, or simply enjoying a meal after a long day in the saddle. The Shimano Gravel Experience was proving to be much more than just a ride; it was an adventure full of challenges, unexpected detours, and newfound friendships.

As I settled in for the night, I couldn’t help but smile. We’d faced our fair share of problems, but we’d also made some great memories. And after all, that’s what gravel riding is all about—the journey, with all its ups and downs, twists and turns, and the people you meet along the way.

Day Three

Day three of the Shimano Gravel Experience was set to be the longest ride of the event, stretching over 100 kilometers. We knew it would test our endurance, but we were ready for the challenge, even if we couldn’t anticipate all that lay ahead.

Our morning began with a hearty breakfast at the same gas station we’d visited the day before. It was a small comfort, a piece of normalcy in our ever-changing adventure. After saying goodbye to the gravellers we’d met previously—hoping we’d cross paths again later—we set off with renewed determination.

However, the day quickly turned into a tough slog for Carolien. Her hip was giving her a lot of pain, and every climb seemed to make it worse. To top off her struggles, she experienced a flat tire along the route. We rallied to help her out, but it was clear that this day would be a real test of grit and perseverance for her.

Even as we faced these challenges, we kept our spirits up and focused on our goal: reaching Valkenburg before 18:00 to earn our finisher badges. It was a motivating target that kept us moving, despite the difficulties.

Around midday, we took a much-needed break and enjoyed a Belgium waffle for lunch—an unexpected treat that provided a delicious and much-needed energy boost. The waffle was the perfect pick-me-up, giving us the sugar and satisfaction we needed to power through the afternoon.

Throughout the day, gummy bears and an Aquarius energy drink became our lifesavers. They provided that extra bit of energy to keep us pedaling up the relentless climbs and navigating the rugged gravel roads. Each bite and sip was a reminder that we were one step closer to the finish line.


The final stretch into Valkenburg was both exhausting and exhilarating. With only five minutes to spare, we crossed the finish line and were rewarded with our well-earned finisher badges. The sense of accomplishment was incredible, and we celebrated with an alcohol free beer.

As I reflect on the Shimano Gravel Experience, I’m struck by the sheer magnitude of the adventure. The challenges we faced, from aching muscles to flat tires, were all part of the journey that made the experience unforgettable. The stunning landscapes, the meet-ups with fellow riders, and the thrill of completing such a demanding ride will stay with me for a long time.

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