Their philosophy lies in the basis, that is – making people ‘linear’. A linear movement reduces the unnecessary strain on peoples’ muscles, joints and back when performing different activities.
They also want to shed light on the importance of our feet health, function and needs, what you can achieve by providing the best feet conditions for each individual, regardless of your activity. During your everyday obstacles or your free time, within sports as an amateur or elite.
The feet contain about 66 joints, 214 ligaments, 38 muscles and tendons, and 26 bones that can move together through these joints. The bones are connected together with more than 100 ligaments. In order to be able to move your foot, muscles are required. Some are in the foot, others are attached on the lower leg which guides the foot with the aid of tendons.
Everyone has different conditions and goals, everyone’s bodies and feet are individual. Choosing the right insoles for the right activity, will give you the best conditions for a well-functioning body.
They treat everyone according to the sport you practice. They have examined the bodily movements of the activities for many years. This knowledge has enabled this concept based on finding the right insole for the right user.
Once I have received the product you will read a review here, in the meantime visit them also on instagram.
Here you find the unboxing pictures of both my insoles, the sneaker ones I use in my MTB shoes so also during the ride in Bergen op Zoom:
In March 2020 I received some even better insoles, the activity insoles. While practicing different sports you have an increased load of up to 8 times your body weight. This is because of different athletes flying phases that occur due to the activity. The movement pattern is complex which places great demands on your body. We have collected data from athletes’ different feet from around the world. This data, as well as the activity pressure pattern and the design of today’s sport shoes, forms the basis for Sport Insole’s design and function. The purpose of Sport Insole is to reduce the pressure on the athlete’s muscles and joints to then create better conditions for anyone who loves to exercise their sports, regardless if you are an occasional or professional athlete.