Inspire.Repeat send the the following socks for testing and write a review about them. I had the option to choose 3 pair of socks myself on their website to also experience the buying process. Their website is very organized and their assortment is growing. Choosing however is difficult because their current ones are all awesome, so I ended up with the following:
Then the waiting game begun and because of the current World situation this can take a little bit longer than expected, but no worries they will finally arrive and when they do it is going to feel like Christmas. At least that was the feeling I had.
They arrive in a carton box, all neatly wrapped separately and with a little personal note. This give you a lot of satisfactory buying experience. Great job guys!
Put them to the test!
When I received the socks it suddenly became full winter in the Netherlands, with snow and ice, and a week later it was suddenly 16 Celsius so it was good timing to give the socks their test in different temperature settings.
I wore the socks in my Shimano winter MTB shoes and I have to say that was just perfect. The sock itself is very comfortable with a compression feeling, without being to tight. The combination with the shoe kept my feet warm even even it was fully covered in snow.
As the temperature rose quickly I could test them also in just my regular road shoes. Also there they were very comfortable and not overheated my feet. The little compression feeling make your feet one with the pedal.
So overall my impression of the socks is very good. I cannot wait to test them in summer to see how that would feel but I am pretty sure they will do the job there also.
If you like to read more reviews please check here!