Coronavirus COVID-19

The news is dominated about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) since a couple of weeks now and I have to admit at first I was one of those people that thought: “This is just a tougher version of the flu”. So when I went on my skiing trip to Val Thorens I did not think about the consequences of a possible infection. During the end of my trip I started to develop a cough, just a cough in my mind, and I did not think twice when I got back home that I wanted to see my both boys. Both of them completely healthy and watching my hygienic much more carefully it could possible be effecting them, right? What I did not think of was the fact that they are also closely in contact with my parents, both above 70 and my dad suffering of COPD. So Monday till Wednesday I picked the boys up from my parents after school, keeping safe distance and avoiding coughing (at least try) while being there……. HOW STUPID WAS I!!

On Friday the boys would be back with me for the weekend but around 7 PM I received the message that my eldest refused to come to me. His statement was why would I voluntary put myself in danger with someone that is coughing and I realized he was completely right! The coughing redraw during the beginning of the week but kicked back on Thursday much more even. So although I did no have proof, because I cannot be tested, that I had COVID-19 I put myself in isolation and left the boys with their mother.

With time to spare I started reading about social distancing and especially the one of the Washington post, which gave me the confidence that I made the right decision. But I am still afraid lots of people do take it serious. If I see the long line at the coffee shops, because the are put on lock down, it drives me crazy. How ignorant can you be! Also those people that buy a lot of toilet paper, without thinking of others, is completely stupid. The severity of this virus is predominantly due to the fact that people are selfish / egoistic and do not think of others.

I hope that everybody takes their own responsibility and will think twice about going to ride. Our care takers need all their time fighting this virus and have no time for you!

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