Welcome on my blog about cycling but also other sports I do, like running and skiing!
If you wonder why about mostly cycling you better start reading my “about me” first. I think this will explain a lot but if not then I probably made myself not clear enough…. I LOVE CYCLING!

Amongst sharing here with you my most interesting rides (mostly with friends), I write about my running and skiing experiences but also share reviews of brands I support or those that support me. I know this sounds a bit commercial but I can honestly say that I am not doing this to receive free stuff. My intention is to tell why I choose those brands, stick with them and the connection I have with them, after all “we link together”.

I hope you will enjoy this blog and please leave your comments and / or remarks either on the posts or via the contact form.
For now bare with me during the upgrade of my blog and watch out for more content during the next days.
Like the Zwift motto I say: Ride on!